Moroccan currency, banknotes and coins

Moroccan currency

Moroccan currency

The official Currency in Morocco is Dirham (MAD). After the French and Spanish protectorates, Morocco Dirham reintroduced in 1960, replacing the Franc, but still names of Franc is frequent in the remote areas.

The general rate of the Moroccan Dirham with other currencies is the following :

1 MAD 0.08927 0.12126 0.07336 0.13338 0.44538 0.45478 0.10924 0.13410 0.44149
Inverse: 11.2023 8.24702 13.6308 7.49765 2.24528 2.19888 9.15393 7.45710 2.26507

The rate can change depending on the stock market; you can compare it with updated changes through:

Banknotes and coins

The Moroccan currency constitutes of several categories of coins and banknotes. From one Dirham coin to 200 Dirhams banknote. Yet, there are small coins bellow one Dirham, called Centimes ( 1 DH = 100 Centimes ).Coins can be found in little categories : 1/5 DH ,1 Dh, 2 DH, 5 Dh, 10 Dh. Upwards categories are found in the form of banknotes ( 20 DH, 25 DH, 50 DH, 100 DH and 200 DH ).

Where to change money?

Change and other money related services are found in banks (BMCE Bank, Attijari Wafa bank, Bank Populaire…), in change centers and in money transfer places. International money Transfer services (among them Western Union and Money Gram) are intensively available in all cities, towns and accessible easily.
